A Journal for Pandemic Educators about how to Create Effective Educational Materials in the New Normal of Education

IMAGE: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/vuqeqk/article31917961.ece/alternates/FREE_615/Th26-Parley-Puja

Learners and teachers have indeed been compelled to work in isolation because of the pandemic. Among the most important things is one of contemplation and the aptitude to look at the world. We’ve been challenged with questions about our own priorities and what performs best for us, and as a result, we’ve made every effort to be more creative, adaptive, and willing to shift than we already imagined. For us teachers who have been resistant to transition, the necessity to be flexible and learn novel abilities has enabled us to discover ways to connect with our learners and be imaginative in our approaches to teaching. The pandemic has prompted institutions to rethink what is really important, and unquestionably, the welfare of their children, families, and the greater new education system is the top priority. This will necessitate greater agility on the part of instructors, as well as effective learning resources.

Start by defining, as accurately as possible, what the student will learn and be competent to accomplish once the teaching is completed. This is frequently the most difficult phase of the instructional design phase, but it is the cornerstone upon which the remainder of the cycle is built. Eliminate imprecise “soft objectives” that incorporate ambiguous verbs like “will comprehend.” Sort your instructional targets into the three domains of learning: cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor; and aim to set targets for actual skillsets.

This notion is equally applicable to lesson planning as it is to effective communication. You don’t have as much relevant data about your students as you could ever prefer, particularly in a dispersed learning context, but you should be interested in determining some key data points such as estimated educational standards, background knowledge of learning, level of convenience with the educational technologies, and level of determination. Create teaching methodologies relying on your understanding of the students as well as the core curriculum. Because it is so open-ended and diverse, it has the potential to be a rather extensive component in the development.

The techniques you outlined in the prior event will guide the development of locating or generating educational materials. You might discover that some of the content of the course is actually available and might function with some editing. Alternatively, you may have to start afresh. If the current cycle is not doing the job, it might be essential to redesign it.

During this phase, you ought to go back over your student assessment and think about what kinds of resources are most beneficial. Computer-based training that may be effective in the workplace may be less effective on a boisterous workplace. Above all, do not create a gap in learning by selecting the incorrect format. Low-literacy individuals are unlikely to slog over documents with textual material.

It might be difficult to measure learning in the simulated setting of an educational setting. It may not even be possible to construct a very effective evaluation method unless the teaching just addresses comprehension skills. Uprisings of taught abilities are unlikely to be effective except if the team is limited or the budget is unrestricted. Written assessments can be improved by including a range of academic tools, including multiple choice, short answer, matching, ordering, and problem solving. These types of questions can be used to extract and assess how much knowledge has been gained.

After you’ve utilized the instructional material for the initial period, examine it as accurately as possible. What functioned and what didn’t work? Inquire about all facets of the teaching, including the style of presentation, the context, and the substance. Seek input from your students while keeping the queries as open-ended as possible. Survey questionnaires that rely solely on “yes” and “no” answers are of minimal value. Monitoring whether the instruction met the criteria will yield meaningful information, but it will take a while. Assessments that assess the learner’s understanding of the quality of the training can be administered at predetermined intervals following the session. Learning is a constant cycle, and the quality of the education is not always instantly evident.

For whatever difficulty that mankind has ever faced, learning in some form has always been an element of the answer. However, there are a lot of materials accessible to help with this crucial work. Teaching is both a favor and a commitment that is important to the future of all mankind.

LIS 006 (Task 1)

  1. What is an instructional material?Instructional materials are those materials used by a teacher to simplify their teaching. They include both visual and audio-visual aids and could either be concrete or non-concrete. These instructional materials bring life to learning by stimulating students to learn.

Source: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED560670.pdfWhat is Instructional Material Development?

What is Instructional Material Development?

In developing instructional materials it should exhibit a coherent content framework that is aligned with standards developed by national professional organizations; foster inquiry, including critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and communication at increasing levels of complexity; and focus on appropriate and important topics at each acedemic level. Projects must be grounded in recent research on teaching and learning and further an understanding of the connections among disciplines.

Source: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2005/nsf05612/nsf05612.htm

Importance of Instructional Material Development

The importance of Instructional Materials Development is it improves students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills.

Source: https://www.academia.edu/8704377/THE_IMPORTANCE_OF_INSTRUCTIONAL_MATERIALS#:~:text=The%20importance%20of%20Instructional%20Materials%20or%20Educational%20resources%20is%20to,their%20overall%20development%20and%20upbringing.&text=Enhances%20conceptual%20understanding%20and%20engages%20higher%20order%20thinking%20skills

Principles in Instructional Material Development

a. Instructional materials should support the educational philosophy, goals and objectives of the District and the objectives of the curricular offering in which the materials will be used.

b. Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.

c. Instructional materials should be diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal, and should present a variety of points of view.

d. Instructional materials should meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.

e. Instructional materials should have aesthetic, cultural, literary, or social value. The value and impact of any literary work will be judged as a whole, taking into account the author’s intent rather than individual words, phrases or incidents.

f. Instructional materials should foster respect for men, women, the disabled, and minority groups and should portray a variety of roles and life styles open to people in today’s world. Instructional materials should foster respect for cultural diversity.

g. Instructional materials should be designed to motivate students to examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to comprehend their own duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges as participating citizens in a pluralistic society.

h. Instructional materials should encourage students to utilize higher order thinking skills and to become informed decision-makers, to exercise freedom of thought and to make independent judgments through examination and evaluation of relevant information, evidence and differing viewpoints.

i. Instructional materials should be selected taking into account instructional materials already available in the District in order to meet the above criteria and in order to replace materials worn, obsolete or no longer appropriate. Licensed professional staff shall provide for constant and continuing renewal of the collection not only by the addition of up-to-date material, but by the judicious elimination of materials which no longer meet needs or find use.

j. Other criteria as developed by the licensed staff under the supervision of the administrative.

Source: staff.https://www.urbandaleschools.com/policy/article-600-educational-program/627-instructional-materials-selection-inspection-and-reconsideration/

Steps in developing IMs

Step 1: Analyze Requirements
Analysis is perhaps the most important step of the Instructional Design process. When analyzing, never limit your efforts to understanding just the training and business needs. Stretch your analysis to include four other areas as well: Audience, Content, Technology, and Expectations.

Learners’ Profile
Analyze learners’ profile based on their roles, responsibilities, professional experience, educational qualifications, skill sets, age, technical proficiency, ethnicity, and geographical location. In addition, gather information about their existing knowledge about the topic, challenges faced, and most importantly, find out the learning gap that this training is expected to fill up. Also, find out their learning needs and/or preferred mode of training.
Learners’ Profile Analysis Tip: Ask your client for an opportunity to interview some learners.

Instructional Designers are not Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), but a thorough understanding of the content is a must. Read the source content multiple times to understand its key message. Note down your questions and forward them to an SME for clarification. In addition, ask for examples, scenarios, and case studies that can be used to support the content and/or assess the learner.
How: Ask your client to schedule a meeting with the SMEs.

The eLearning industry is rapidly evolving with new technology and new tools. Hence, it is critical to understand the technology that the client organization and the learners are most familiar with. Ask questions to understand the client’s preferred development tool, prevalent Learning Management System (LMS), available devices to launch the course, etc.
Technology Tip: Stay up-to-date with the changing trends in technology, weigh the pros and cons of each tool, and suggest the best option available for development to the client.

Brand is what gives an organization its unique identity. Hence, understand the writing (tone, tense, voice, vocabulary) and graphical standards (images, fonts, characters, icons) that are followed in their organization. Also, ask the client to share samples of previously designed courses, if possible for reference.
Branding Tip: Visit the client’s website and study their marketing/promotional material to analyze their preferred design strategy and understand their brand identity.

Step 2: Identify Learning Objectives
Once you analyze the requirements, frame the learning objectives. Learning objectives help you distinguish between the ‘good-to-know’ and ‘must-know’ content, and determine the emphasis every piece of information needs in the training. Also, your assessments should be drafted mapping to these learning objectives.
Learning Objectives Tip: Ask your client to validate the learning objectives in terms of the expected learning outcome.

Step 3: Develop Design
Design development is a process in itself. First, segregate the content into small chunks of information and organize them in a logical sequence. Once the topic list is ready, determine an instructional approach for your course (story-based approach, problem-based approach, video-based approach, game-based approach, etc.) in line with the scope defined during analysis. Insert engagement points into your Instructional Design by adding an attention-grabbing activity, motivational videos, reflection questions, interactivity, scenarios and examples, a summarizing activity, etc.
Design Development Tip: Ask your client to validate the design strategy, especially when developing a curriculum. This will help ensure consistency in all modules and relevant resource materials.

Step 4: Create A Storyboard
A storyboard is a visual document that lets you organize your content with visuals and present a flow for the topics. Identify the type of content you are dealing with. It could be facts, principles, process, classification, or relationship. Present the content for each page using relevant text, images, icons, characters, development notes, etc.
Storyboard Tip: Simultaneously develop other related documents, such as glossaries, job aids and voice-over script, and share them with the storyboard, so that the clients can review all the deliverables holistically.

Step 5: Develop Prototype
Develop a functional prototype before starting the complete development. Identify four to five unique pages of different types and develop them using the approved design strategy and the client’s branding guidelines. A prototype will help your client visualize how the storyboard will be transformed into a functional module.
Prototype Development Tip: Ask the client to validate the prototype and point out any deviations from expectations. Managing deviations at this step will save time and development efforts during complete development.

Step 6: Develop Training
Once storyboard and prototype are signed off, initiate the development of training that will be finally uploaded on the LMS. This will include developing visuals, interactivities, knowledge checks, and assessments per approved storyboard along with recording and integrating voice-over of a professional artist. As a resource, you can download ready-to-use eLearning templates to expedite your development process. These eLearning templates present visually appealing layouts and include placeholders for content. Simply download and integrate eLearning templates that cater to your content type—introduction, scenario, process, assessment, etc. and customize them further as needed.
Training Development Tip: Include three rounds of review in this step by instructional designers, graphic designers, and quality assurance to ensure the training is instructionally, graphically, and functionally sound.

Step 7: Deliver Training
LMS is a platform to host eLearning courses for an organization. Ensure your course is compatible with the LMS on which the training will be hosted. Also, understand the different features of the client’s LMS like tracking learners’ progress and assessment performance, generating course completion report, and adding pre-training and post-training resources.
Training Delivery Tip: Ask the client for an opportunity to communicate with their LMS administrator to understand the features typically leveraged in their organization.

Step 8: Evaluate Impact
The final step is to evaluate the impact of training. Typically, the evaluation can be done at two levels – at learner’s level to analyze if the learners found the training to be engaging and useful, and at organization’s level to evaluate if the training has positively impacted the business and helped achieve the business need.
Impact Evaluation Tip: Always document the results of the evaluation step. Analyze what worked and what didn’t work for the training, and carry forward this learning to future projects.

Source: https://elearningdom.com/instructional-design-process-guide-step-by-step/

Significance of IMs in Teaching Instructional materials are important because they assist teachers and students in avoiding an enormous strain on recitation and rote memorization, which can easily influence a learning experience. Instructional materials provide learners with hands-on experiences participation and exposure that enables them to harness their skills and knowledge and applied in a range of methods.

Types of instructional materials (IMs) usually used in class both for the physical and virtual classrooms. Lectures, modules, textbooks, readings, and multimedia components such as slideshow or presentation and infographics are the types of instructional materials that I typically use in my class for both physical and virtual classroom.

ps. For academic purposes only.

LIS 005: 2nd task of the day (Assignment)

1. What is test?

A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.

Source: Definitions from Oxford Languages

2. What makes a test effective?

Objectivity is an important characteristic of a good test. It affects both validity and reliability of test scores. Objectivity of a measuring instrument moans the degree to which different persons scoring the answer receipt arrives of at the same result.

Source: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/education/test/top-4-characteristics-of-a-good-test/64804

3. What is the purpose of testing?

Tests currently are being used to evaluate students, teachers, and the entire educational system. Because of this emphasis, more standardized tests are being examined and homework and classwork time is being devoted to preparing students to take them while less time is being spent on instruction.

Source: https://m-huffpost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1066144/amp?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16182386253039&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fwhat-is-the-purpose-of-te_b_1066144

4. Discuss Teaching and Testing.
How do you relate one to the other and vice-versa?

“Take into account how educators can assign probabilities of a learner’s concealed progress based upon their outward results to standardized testing. Prior evaluation learners as they’d be confronted with unexpected abilities and experience to master. Test scores can be used to decide what further guidance the learners deserve on a particular subject”. (ctto)

5. What is Language Testing?

“Language Testing is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using particular language effectively”.

Source: http://languagetesting.info/whatis/lt.html

Language testing is the measurement of a person’s ability to use language in some way. … In contrast, other language tests measure reading, writing, listening, or some combination of these or other skills.

Source: https://languagetest.com/language-testing/language-testing-definition/

6. Difficulties in constructing language tests.

“Authenticity among definitions, morals and values, the application of linguistic testing methods of disciplinary judgments, and formative assessment are all ongoing challenges. Academic language testing, second language acquisition instruction for educators, and English as a foreign language learners for literacy and settlement are all emerging obstacles”. (c)

7. What should be tested and what are the standards?

Language tests are formal instruments of assessment. They can be used either to measure proficiency without reference to a particular programme of learning or to measure the extent to which learners have achieved the goals of a specific course. The language tests that adult migrants are sometimes required to take in order to secure entry to their host country, permanent residence or citizenship, may fall into either of these categories.

Language tests are not necessarily the most appropriate form of assessment to use with adult migrants, especially when linked to financial or social sanctions, because they can undermine motivation to learn. In some circumstances, particularly when assessment is associated with a language course, it may be preferable to use an alternative instrument, for example a portfolio.

Source: https://www.coe.int/en/web/lang-migrants/language-tests

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/masters8/standards-in-language-testing

PS. This is purely for academic purposes.

11 Kinds of Speeches with examples

(c) pinclipart.com


A keynote speech is a presentation which sets up the core overarching concept. At a standardized conference, it is the key voice. The keynote speeches are given at societal or manufacturing assemblies as well as exhibits and even at campus events to establish the overarching atmosphere and outline the central purpose or most significant discovery of the occasion.

Keynote speech examples:

• Watch YouTube video- “Fire your Anthony” Youtube Channel: Patricia Fripp Source: https://www.acethepresentation.com/keynote-speech-guide-and-examples/

“The 25 Most Inspiring Keynote Addresses on Youtube” Source: https://bestlifeonline.com/inspiring-keynote-addresses/


A campaign/persuasive speech is a particular form in discourse wherein the purpose of the person speaking will be to make everyone believe to support his or her perspective. The speech is structured in such a manner that ideally allows the listener to embrace in whole or portion of the perspective conveyed. Even though the ultimate purpose of a persuasive talk is to convince people with a single speech, not all viewpoints will encourage the listeners.

Example of Persuasive Speeches:

Excerpt from Mark Antony’s speech in Julius Caesar:

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest–
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men–


Source: https://speech-guru.com/sample-speeches/persuasive-speech/sample-persuasive-speech-love-is-more-powerful-than-hate/


An introduction speech is an initial speech composed to announce the presenters and the topic they are going to discuss on. In effect to build the integrity of the presenter with regards to the matter, it is valuable to offer the listeners with specifics of the biography and accomplishments of the speaker.

Introduction Speech example:

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It’s a great pleasure for me to introduce our speaker today, who is going to talk to us about the ten most common personal financial planning mistakes. This is a subject in which we should all be deeply interested because it’s by avoiding financial mistakes that we can best ensure our financial futures. Our speaker, although having spent almost his entire career advising people on their finances in places like New York, Los Angeles and Toronto, grew up about thirty miles from where we are right now. He is an award-winning professional accountant who has specialized in personal finances and taxation for over twenty years, and has guided the financial affairs of some of this country’s best-known athletes, entertainers, entrepreneurs and executives. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming home, Steve Robbins!” Source:https://portal.clubrunner.ca/826/page/tips-for-introducing-a-guest-speaker#:~:text=Here%20is%20an%20example%20of,common%20personal%20financial%20planning%20mistakes.


Humorous or entertainment speech is a talk intended to mesmerize the interest of listeners when giving a speech and to enlighten or delight everyone. Entertaining speeches can deliver a simple meaning, like more conventional insightful or convincing talks, however the style of conversing utilized by an entertaining speech is usually distinct. On celebrations, humorous speeches are quite often given, it is why these are sometimes alluded to as presentation for special celebrations.

Humorous/Entertainment Speech example:

Topic: Modern Relationship Problems: How Social Networking Affects Your Love Life

Do you know that, in near future, most children will tell that their parents met online?

A social survey has shown that sixty five percent of adults use social network sites. Facebook has 870 million users and 60 percent list themselves as being in a relationship. Thirty seven percent list themselves as single, 31 percent married, 24 percent “in a relationship,” 5 percent engaged and 3 percent claim “it’s complicated.”

Many people say that social networking has changed dating for the worse. Social networking causes people in relationships to over-analyze their partner’s online activity. Couples get into quarrels over everything; from one party reconnecting with an ex, to one not mentioning the relationship at all.

As to the positive effect of social networking, married couples who met online had a courtship period of 18.5 months, while couples who met offline had this period for 42 months.

While many have credited social networking for finding new relationships, others have forever cursed it for changing dating for the worse.

A while back, breaking up with someone via the phone, or email, was considered brutal. But, now, changing one’s relationship status on the social network has become a common way to end a relationship. In a survey of Facebook users, 25 percent of respondents found news about changes in relationships by seeing it on social networking first.

Top five ways that social networking causes relationship stress: over-analyzing your partner’s online activities; getting a friend request from your ex; your current friend gets even friendlier; there’s revealing message on your partner’s wall; and the photo factor.

For example, my husband and I met on chat. We had conversations online and decided to meet. From that time we have been together. But the problems we encountered, early in our relationship, were difficult because of social networking. Jealousy of friends of the other sex and dissatisfaction with the behavior on social network sites, led to constant quarrels. For the most part, quarrels took place at online chat instead of meeting face to face. We even broke up several times. But, as time passed, we grew mentally and solved the problems that made us mad at each other. I’m glad that, eventually, we became a happy family and that our feelings grew into something bigger.

I’ve never allowed social networking to ruin my relationships, but I’ve seen it put an end to some serious relationships. It is never worth it. So, love and be loved; and don’t let social networking ruin your relationships. Take care of each other and just be happy. Source:https://answershark.com/writing/informal-presentations-and-speeches/entertaining/modern-relationship-problems-presentation-sample-html


An inspirational talk really doesn’t require participation from the listeners. Its vision is to develop an emotionally enlightening moment that makes the listeners feel empowered. The aim of an inspiring talk is to offer the audience the drive and trust to follow ambitious aspirations to boost their individual capabilities.

Inspirational Speech example:

Welcome to one and all present here.

In this period, everybody needs to be successful. The viewpoint of success differs from individual to individual. For the record, the individuals before us have an alternate view on success, and the individual after us will have an alternate view on success.

Besides, individuals have various implementation of their success. Be that as it may, success isn’t something that you can duplicate from others. You need to make your way to making progress. In the present day, individuals are fixed on success due to the style and way of life of successful individuals.

There are numerous ways on the planet to be successful. Be that the vast majority consider famous names, Artists, politicians, and specialists whenever they hear the word success.

Additionally, they think doing what they are doing will make you successful; however, that not the situation. They overlook the most fundamental thing that makes an individual successful: their difficult work, commitment, and the longing to accomplish their dream. Successful individuals do what they like to do. Likewise, they do what they feel is right for their business. If you look in the word reference for the importance of the word success, then you will find that it implies the accomplishment of one’s objective or point. Thus, fundamentally, anybody can make progress by essentially accomplishing their point or objective.

We, as a whole, realized that we couldn’t accomplish something without giving up something. Success likewise requests different things from you. In any case, these penances won’t go futile if you accomplish your objective. Unquestionably, numerous individuals make proficient progress. However, in doing so, they fall behind in accomplishing mental, social, and physical success. The pressure of lacking behind in different things makes them separated. Likewise, there are situations where individuals turned out to be so fixed on the success that the individuals around them begin to feel awkward around them. Now and again, they have gone frantic. Aside from that, individuals also get discouraged if they can’t make progress like others. So taking t, we can say that there is a lot of damage to success. Source: https://www.aplustopper.com/speech-on-success/#:~:text=Speech%20on%20Success%3A%20Success%20isn,accomplished%20after%20battles%20and%20persistence.&text=Success%20commands%20hard%20work%20and%20persistence.


Debate is a method requiring organized argument on a given issue. Opponents claims are put forth in a debate to justify against conflicting viewpoints. Social forums, research schools, and elected bodies are held to discuss speeches. In relation to the debating members, it is a standardized kind of conversation, sometimes with a moderator and a viewing public.

Debate Speech example:

•Watch YouTube video- “Debate Example” Youtube Channel: Ethan Buege

•Watch YouTube video- “High School Debate Championship 3.10.2017” Youtube Channel: The City Club of Cleveland


An insightful talk which is a kind that aims to teach listeners about a specific matter. The major aims of an informative talk are to clarify a particular topic and to ensure that the listeners understand the details.

Informative Speech example:

Take a look at an informative speech sample of a student addressing the class about the importance of nap time and how he believes it shouldn’t be restricted to kindergarten only.

“I believe that taking a half an hour break from classes to rest your eyes and brain would benefit not only the students but the teachers as well. We all get stressed; levels of stress are the same whether you are an adult or a child. Higher stress levels make people get distracted because their mind is focused on other things. Planning a nap into the curriculum, whether it’s a quick sleep on the desks or in a dedicated room, will improve concentration and the overall ability to absorb the material”. Source: https://chiefessays.net/informative-speech-examples/


A demonstrative speech is a type of communicating informatively. The purpose of the demonstrative speech is to illustrate a method or ways to handle things in life and provide guidance to the listener by incorporating reference material.

Demonstrative Speech example:

•Watch YouTube video- “Good Example of Demonstration Speech” Youtube Channel:Taylor Nemechek


Impromptu is speaking in public activity in which participants have few minutes to choose a subject, formulate their thoughts, plan the speech, and eventually present the speech. The talk is delivered without notation and includes an overview, structure and conclusion. Good natured or intense may be the tone.

Impromptu Speech example:

•Watch YouTube video- “Impromptu Speech Example” Youtube Channel:Chris Gurrie


An oration is described as a brief narration talk delivered to a particular group or situation. Official remarks, such as farewells, commencement ceremonies, and inauguration statements, can be used in an oration speech. At a marriage celebration or farewell gathering, though, an oration piece may also involve short toasts.

Oratorical Speech example:

•Watch YouTube video- “Winning MLK Oratorical Speech PWCS” Youtube Channel:Syed Hye


Forensic speech, frequently referred to as forensics, is mostly about strategic public talking and argument.

Forensic Speech example:

•Watch YouTube video- “Forensic Speech” Youtube Channel:Matthew Mitchell

Note: This is for academic requirement purposes. Thank you.

Pawprints in our Hearts Fur-ever (A Photo Story)

Meet our precious dogs ICING and SUGAR. In this blog, you will see the growth of our beloved dogs through the years.
At present, this is our delightful Sugar.

Our cherished Icing died unexpectedly last September 2019. It is never simple to lose such a significant part of our family. Run free in heaven our dear Icing.

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself”.-Josh Billings

Pandemic in Learner’s Chink

The emergence of a vile viral disease produced a contentious topic in the end quarter of 2019 that was quickly aired globally. Although with serious threat, as they were mesmerized with lavish lifestyles, human beings were unperturbed. With the extent of global potential risk, individuals had no fear of the coming catastrophe. The virus quickly and imperceptibly scattered that even wealthy nations did not stand a place. When it was identified as a pandemic, the deadly virus took the life on earth crashing to its knees.

The outbreak ravaged human lives and crippled all human actions. As the pandemic propelled it to the brick of catastrophe, economic systems of various countries are deteriorating. A ‘third-world nation’ Philippines had no run off. For all the precautionary steps and community isolation implemented to prevent the growth in cases of the virus, the system of education was hampered the students’ connectivity to learning. With hardly any definitive solution to the outbreak, everyone is compelled to remain at home, as well as students.

Fortunately, through the use of technological advances, several institutions are incorporating virtual classes to somehow establish access to education and learning. The notion was excellent, but it only applies to affluent individuals. Although some start learning from this algorithm, some simply seek to thrive.

No learner likes to be left behind. Since it is one of the prosperity that they will possess, every learner should aspire for education. The morbid state of the pandemic can’t be measured in the scenario, though. Learners will often conform to health in a dispute among health and education. Not all learners can sustain the necessity of education in the middle of the massive increase of the virus outbreak problem. Consideration is what learners expect for still not all of them is sufficiently fortunate to meet the learning desire.

The outbreak had negative consequences for the learning situation. Nevertheless, considering the need for continuing education, the health and welfare of learners must always come first. Fortunately, while stressing the recovery of economic and industrial capital, the nation concentrates more on developing strategic means to combat the rising percentage of virus cases.

A Jiff to Snivel, and a Jiff to Chortle

At a distinct rhythm in existence, we in habit to have faith that everyone’s lives are flaccid because of some kind of chronic dilemma. Hardly any consistent careers, hardly any liquid assests/securities or even nothingness that you can revere to tag your own bloke or gal. Emptiness feels to be compromise aptly. You are suffering from stultify, perplexity and anguish. You ban to merit your existence anymore either. This experience is a sturdy moment and arduous one to deal with. The heart balm, though, is that afflictions are not going to last pertually. Be forbearing and linger until you have your time. No status is constant, everything under heaven has time. In right season, that ordeal you are living through will disappear.

Miracles arise when you least foresee them to. You must have firm faith that each and every one of us is shaped by a Holy One. Difficulties also have shelf life of their own, and the Almighty Creator would not permit every circumstance to outpace its own moment. For the purpose of understanding and appreciating genuine joy, inner peace and contentment, we experience suffering. One valuable feat to take note in this lifetime is that when the time and possibility comes, you have to better prepare for your own aspect. Otherwise, you may need to struggle again for the next season for the chance to return or you may never be able to restore a missed chance in some situations. You need to grasp your role and be able to do it.

You have to be a genuine person and support other people well. If you want a fulfilling life, then you should be a great example. Be truly happy with the success of other people. To the attitude of envy, say no. Also, don’t worry constantly about yourself. Have compassion and understanding. Fear and anxiety and downtrodden conduct will only generate adverse outcomes. You have to be positive to attract positive qualities, and then eventually everything will turn out perfectly for you by God’s amazing grace.

Bear in mind these aspects and hopefully you will start embracing long and great life improvements. The start is often the most challenging, don’t consider giving up. There is a great life ahead.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

(Feature Article)

𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝘿𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙡

Media and technology enhance interaction, necessarily in speech and communication teaching and learning. Learners are likely to be more actively engaged in the topics they are acquiring when technology is incorporated into learning discussions and activities. In order to teach the same lessons from various perspectives, technology offers distinctive ideas to make teaching and learning more effective and rewarding. Providing learning by game competitions, in particular, or using other tools for digital learning. Moreover, new technologies will help in promoting a progressively effective engagement in the learning experience, and this can be challenging to do in the conventional setting of teaching. In conjunction, software facilitates cognitive development and cooperation. Due to various instructional methods as well as skills, hardly anyone knows what is expected.

New technologies represent a significant opportunity for anyone with diverse needs to make teaching and learning increasingly successful. Besides, if they would like to, learners can learn independently, study complex ideas or start from the beginning. Further, technology will have far more advantages for learners with special needs or limited. Digital technology help learners reach to a wide variety of tools to perform studies on various forms, that could ultimately enhance collaboration. Through engaging in multiple internet activities, learners can learn collaborative skills.

The use of digital technology in educating has many complexities. Is also simple for learners to be sidetracked, is among the most frequent difficulties. Instead of doing classwork, learners usually use technologies for social media platforms, playing online games, chat rooms, texting and the likes. Unlimited access of technologies is an obstacle to the development of literacy that can do a great deal of harm to learners.

A very important aspect of efficient criticism and feedback is empathy for others, concentrating criticism and feedback on action that needs improvement what individuals do or simply say. Fully understanding how to critique appropriately is an ability that you can use in your life not just in teaching and learning. In being able to provide adequate criticisms gives you the ability, both individually and professionally, to be beneficially effective. For two primary factors, effective criticism and feed backing is beneficial first, fresh approaches and insights will be identified and secondly, assertion reasoning would be evaluated, potentially exposing weaknesses.

It must be favorably meant and sufficiently inspired to setting clear objectives beneficially effective criticism. Not only can you simply give comments on how you get the response from the other individual, and how you think and talk about the other person and your connection with them. Bearing this thought will allow you to produce good critiques. You ought to be precise, enabling the person to know precisely what conduct should be taken into account. You will have to be intellectually honest, so that the receiver not only receives, but is prepared to go through with it. As an educator, if the criticism is objective, it is much difficult to avoid. And you are positive to be more successful in providing criticism and suggestions, deliberately avoiding character insults and preventing bullying, offensive and aggressive language. Preventing interpretative words such as “you are totally incorrect” or “that concept was dumb” decreases its need to react aggressively to the recipient or student. These are the essential matters you’ll have to take into consideration when you give criticism or feedback to all kinds of students, whether children or adults.

Banishing of incomprehension obscurity

“𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚”. -Todd Whitaker

I cherish being an educator in each tiny detail. This is a rewarding profession thus by inspiring, I could change and make the time ahead of each learner in a significant manner. The role of an educator is a daunting task as it not only gives learners educational help, however educators even also offers distinctive counselling. It isn’t a simple matter to give learner a counselling that necessitates me to fully discern each learner, specifically in a class of 50 and 9 sections. To manage them carefully as well as give encouragement requires a lot of forbearance and commitment. It is usually uncomplicated to lead creative, attentive learners, since they always display a certain energy and excitement to their educators. In order to build up their attentiveness in every lesson, it is always helpful to include engaging details.

And I am truly convinced that learners who are deficient in their education can do just as well, ensuring that they gain consistent teaching and guidance with a contentment experience, improved enough to appeal to their academic skills. And hence, despite of whether they are potent and frail in their studies, I strive to create all my teachings appropriate for all learners. To keep my lessons informative and effective, I accumulate as much passion as necessary.

I also understood the value of exerting beneficial effects of counselling to learners as I started my profession as an educator more than a year ago. Today, learners are grateful enough to receive support from their educators. I acknowledge, indeed, that it is essential for someone like me to take a gander ahead rather than just being distraught over some fragmented adverse impacts in molding learners towards being independent members of the community.

It requires a high level of obligations to be an educator, that can be developed with utmost passion and commitment. This also highly includes giving inner and psychological ideals and sharpening these people’s persona. My little benefaction to the community is educating and shaping offspring intellect, in gratitude for all the rewarding and fulfilling skills and knowledge I acquired from my own learning journey.

Implementation of R.A. 1425 in LGUs mainly focusing on the Sangguniang Barangays

The Rizal Law, signed June 12 of 1956, encompasses a mandate to all educational institutions, public or private, to provide courses that discusses the life of Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. The law includes the discussion, publication and distribution of some of his literary works particularly the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. This, however, had been subjected to various reactions, controversies and disputes upon its introduction. The Catholic Church did not take the mandate lightly, arguing that enactment of such would threaten their freedom of conscience and religion. Republic Act No. 1425 was mainly proposed not for the means of adding workloads for students but to remind the youth the ideals of freedom and nationalism. Authored by Senator Claro M. Recto and approved by the Congress, the law aspires to not only educate the students about nationalism and the life of the greatest national hero but also to honor the sacrifices of our other heroes who fought for the freedom that has been long deprived to them by the Spaniards.
The law however specificied that the life of Rizal be discussed for he was an epitome of a good son and a good brother, most importantly, he was an epitome of valiance and excellence. He was born in Calamba, Laguna on the 19th of June, 1861. He was the seventh among the children of Francisco Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonzo Realonda. He was a genius, a polymath, the say. He was versatile, he was excellent in many fields of studies. But he was popularly known by many as a physician and a writer. He was eloquent in expressing his distress against the opressors through his literary works. His works varied from novels to essays and speeches some of which were Alin Mang Lahi, Toast to Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo and Sa Mga Kababaihang Taga Malolos.
His works are taught to students these days which are actually published aspiring to reach out to the youth and to ignite whatever passion or patriotism left in their hearts. Such works immoratlized him and made him know as the wise Pilosopo Tasio. With valiance he confronted the abuses of the Spaniards through these works. This display of bravery empowered the weakened spirits of our countrymen. Giving them strength to fight for what was rightfully theirs. He gave the people hope through his words alongside his comrades through the La Soledaridad. Rizal ceaselessly aspired for the ideal. He fought to liberate his fellow Filipinos under the tyranny where he had put more time and effort than he had to himself. Rizal was among the first to affirm the Filipino. He studied Philippine history to prove Filipinos had a culture of their own, prior to colonization, that the Filipinos were not inferior to the other races.
Another objective of the law is also to encourage the youth to be more like the national hero and be good citizens of this country. Also, it has been through this act that national identity is a crucial legacy that our heroes have achieved through sacrificing their own lives. This law would help awaken the passion that the Filipinos feel for their country and further fight for the good of the country. Another is that through the implementation of this law, our fellowmen would be able to see how much we are blinded by foreigners and colonizers, and how much colonial mentality has taken over the lives of the people. Still, another is that through studying the works of Rizal, Filipinos would have a sense of accomplishment and they would feel very proud of their country and their heritage, which would lead to nationalism and unification of the country. The things that the national hero so aspired the most.
However, as per the findings, there is evident inconsistency in the implementation and application of the law both in schools and in the whole community. This may be because of people’s disinterest in such laws. Nowadays, we are influenced by how the trends have been evolving. This law may have been implemented some time in the 20th century but at present people are more interested with blending in with the new vogue, namely, patronizing foreign cultures. Thus, disregarding what’s actually ours instead of enriching them through appreciation and living up into the ideals of our national hero and actually honoring his words that the youth are the hope of this country.
There was lack of continuity from what was learned about RA 1425 in school and what was applied in the community. Rizal’s life and works is part of all tertiary curriculum to instill Philippine history and culture into the new generation. As shown in section 1, the Rizal Law, mandates the study of Rizal’s life and works. This Republic Act was enacted with the objective of increasing the Filipinos sense of nationalism during a time when the Filipino identity was dwindling. What we learned in school – the history, values, etc. – should not remain there, rather, must be applied in the community.
They also delved into assessing how the Barangay Councils’ respond to the law as well as the involvement of the Sangguniang Kabataan through evaluating the programs of their alignment with the objectives of R.A. 1425. The findings showed that none of the barangays have copies of the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo as mandated under Section 3. Further, out of the 14 barangays that were subjected, only 1 had a library. The remainder reasoned out that they were not aware that a barangay hall should have a library and/or such programs involving literacy should be the resposibility of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) officials. However, the only one with the library confessed that they are uncertain of the availability of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s novels.
Hence, there was no implementation of Section 3 in the different barangays in Tacloban City. If you go around the different Purok Organizations and Barrio Councils throughout the country, you will not find any writings of Jose Rizal in English, Tagalog, or in principal Philippine dialects. Jose Rizal’s works can only be found in school libraries, bookstores, etc. This section is very important in making available Rizal’s life and works not only to those who can afford going to school, but as well as to those who cannot.
“SECTION 3. The Board of National Education shall cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to read them, through the Purok organizations and Barrio Councils throughout the country.”
Therefore, the Republic Act. 1425 has become irrelevant and impracticable now because of its obsolecense. Thus, creating the need for its re-orientation at the barangay level. The people should be made knowledgeable of its objectives through enforcing programs relevant to the law. In this case, they can develop activities and programs that can bridge the gap between its applicability in schools and communities. Because despite its effectivity clause provided in Section 5., it’s clear how such a law is disregarded when Local Government Units should be duly enforcing the law. They are responsible for the enactment of laws along with the Sangguniang Kabataan officials. Without their stand and efforts on the matter, even the mere introduction or discussion of the aforementioned law will be futile.
“SECTION 5. The sum of three hundred pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any fund not otherwise appropriated in the National Treasury to carry out the purposes of this Act.”
Aside from the relevance and applicability of Republic Act No. 1425 in certain communities in Tacloban City, this was also conducted to assess and address issues relating to residents’ participation in the community through programs implemented reflecting the ideals by the law. The data which were accumulated using survey questionnaire and interviews have shown that majority of the barangays implement sports development, feeding program and drug awareness campaigns and somehow varies with other barangays because of some activities’ peculiarity like Pentakasi (Cleanliness) and Katropa (Responsabling mga Tatay). The latter however are the programs alongside Responsible Parenthood and Livelihood that are almost not among the priority programs of the barangays subjected this research. The data shows that most the barangays prioritize programs that more concerns the youth and some of which does not even align with the law. Most of the programs implemented by the different barangays cater to civic conscience objective of the law and the least implemented programs relate to the development of moral character.
This propose that it is imperative to intensify the development of moral character by designing more programs that would address the need of this objective. This objective may be addressed through introducing or reiterating values to the children in Tacloban City. This may be aligned with the another step which is currently being proposed to be discussed in Congress which is the reestablishing of the subject Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC). This once helped raising morally upright citizens and it would certainly help now.